• • 2023 “No efficiency without equity”, UNESCO, Paris, France.

    • 2022 "Perspectives of European economic governance", XXXIII Course of Higher European Studies, Córdoba, Spain.

    • "European Political Union: Feasible approaches", Col.lectiu Treva i Pau, Barcelona.

    • 2021 "How strategically autonomous can the EU be", Eurobasque Conference on A Geopolitical EU: From Dependence to Strategic Autonomy", San Sebastián.

    • “The European Recovery Fund: An Opportunity”, Eurobasque, Bilbao.

    • “Transatlantic Relations: Fresh air, more multilateralism, moderate expectations”, European League of Economic Cooperation, Barcelona.

    • “Playing by the same fair rules”, New York City Bar Association, New York.

    • 2020 “The EU, globalization, and global economic governance”, ESADE Business School, Madrid.

    • 2019 “Spain and the crises of the EU”, Stanford Business School, Madrid.

    • “The EU’s economic governance”, ESADE Business School, Madrid.

    •“Globalisation: Further challenges and public, private strategies”, ESADE Business School, Barcelona.

    • “The EU’s influence in global economic governance”, European Commission, Economic and Financial Affairs DG, Brussels.

    • 2018 “Brexit”, ESADE Business School, Barcelona.

    • “The EU's Economic and Monetary Union: From the crisis to completion”, Stanford University, Stanford.

    • “Overcoming zero-sum games to sustain growth and globalization”, University of California at Berkeley.

    • 2017 “The EU: Lessons from the past for the future”, Citizens’ debates on the Future of Europe, Basque Country University, Bilbao, and University of Seville, Seville. “Promoting Investment in the Arctic”, High-level session of the Arctic Stakeholder Forum: European investment priorities for the Arctic, Oulu, Finland.

    • “The European Union after Brexit”, Special joint hearing of the Vietnam Communist Party External Relations and Economy Committees, Hanoi.

    • “Making East and West Greater”, Nanyang Technical University’s S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Singapore.